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CEA CAPA Takes 3rd in 到海外去 Community Choice Awards

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CEA CAPA Places Third for Overall Top 宝博体育 Provider in 2023 by 到海外去 

海外CAPA教育 is proud to announce our third-place win in the Overall Top 宝博体育 Providers for 2023 by 到海外去, the premier student study abroad directory.  


We extend sincere thanks to our students and 机构合作伙伴 感谢他们的信任和热情. Your support was instrumental in securing this recognition, and we're grateful for your contributions to our success. 

A special acknowledgment goes to the 营销团队, whose innovative crowd-sourcing campaign significantly contributed to this achievement. 通过振兴 校友大使计划,他们成功地生成了2个.5 times more reviews than the previous year, demonstrating the impact of meaningful engagement with our alumni. 这个荣誉来自 到海外去 Annual Community Choice Awards celebrates the dedication and excellence of CEA CAPA in the field of study abroad programs. 祝贺大家! 


The 到海外去 Community Choice Awards celebrate outstanding organizations in the study abroad industry. Our third-place position highlights our dedication to delivering exceptional study and internship programs and support services to students worldwide. This recognition comes directly from their student communities' votes and reviews, placing CEA CAPA in the third position among 13,全球5000家供应商, reflecting the exceptional experiences we offer to our students. 

“我的CEA CAPA 我在都柏林的留学项目 was the most amazing experience," Emma, a CEA CAPA 校友 wrote in an online review. “ CEA CAPA staff from before I went abroad made the whole application process so easy and stress-free. The staff and instructors at my program were the most amazing people ever. They constantly helped not only in our classes and recommending anything else we wanted to do in the city. CEA CAPA had three pre-planned trips for us on the weekends that really made the experience 100% worth it. They were some of the main places in 爱尔兰 I wanted to see on my trip and having it already planned made it so simple and easy."


We appreciate the collaboration of our 机构合作伙伴, whose commitment to international education plays a pivotal role in our success. Together, we continue to shape transformative study abroad experiences while we focus on the future. 

布拉格CEA CAPA staff was great and the classes worked well with making the most of your time abroad," CEA CAPA 校友 悉尼 said in another online review. "This allowed for time exploring the city if you wish! The housing was great in location and cleanliness. It was the perfect amount of space and the other students were nearby. Information provided about transportation was very helpful and allowed for an easier transition when arriving. Teachers were very welcoming and made the class fun and interesting. I also met some amazing students that made you feel less alone while studying abroad."


As we celebrate this achievement, our focus remains on continuous improvement and innovation. CEA CAPA is steadfast in providing enriching educational experiences that contribute to the personal and academic growth of our students.  

CEA CAPA extends gratitude to our community for your trust and support. We look forward to building on this success, providing more students with the opportunity to explore the world, 拓展他们的视野, and extend innovative and inclusive impacts on the global stage. Cheers to more adventures and achievements in the future! 

a collage of study abroad students posing for 4 photos

了解更多 about the 到海外去 Community Choice Awards 2023 and our third-place win. 

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